Rent a Suv car in Bordeaux
Searching for a Suv car in Bordeaux; Primerentcar offers the biggest choice of brands and models;choose your dream car now in France

What makes Primerent the right choice?
If you are planning to rent a Suv car in Bordeaux Primerent is the ideal solution. Just choose the Suv car of your dreams and pick it up in Bordeaux when you want.
Bordeaux is a French city on the Ocean shore of France, built in the territory of Garonna, a region famous for the production of wines.
Crossed by the river Garonne, Bordeaux has a multitude of cultural attractions, the UNESCO has declared the city Human Heritage. To see in Bordeaux are surely the Great Theatre, with is beautiful colonnade, the Square of the Stock Exchange, really suggestive in the night thanks to the lighting, and the Cathedral of Saint Andrew, with its typical towers in gothic style.
Stands for Sport Utily vehicles is characterized by car suitable for use on any terrain but able to ensure optimum levels of comfort even for everyday life.
The category of SUVs, more and more popular is characterized by elegant but imposing cars.
A type of car that is suitable for any occasion, true luxury cars with high performance with the features of the off roads.
The most representative brands we are:
• Mercedes-Benz with GL and ML
• BMW with BMW X5
• Land rover with Ranger Sport and Ranger Rover Autobioghaphy
Below you can find #NUMEROMODELLI# different cars currently available for rental in Bordeaux.